Dark Eyed Junco in the snow on a Juniper

One of my goals for the winter of 2020-2021 was to get some good winter shots of birds. I was hoping for some snow on the trees and as a background. We got two nice snowfalls in early December when the wind wasn’t blowing hard. I went out with my camera and my 150-600mm Sigma zoom lens and shot for a couple hours each time. I didn’t see a large range of species coming to the feeders but they did seem to be less shy than they normally are so I was able to get some pretty nice shots of several sparrow-sized species.

Female House Finch in the snow on a Juniper
White-crowned Sparrow in the snow on a Juniper

I also went out a few times around sunrise or sunset on calm days and got some nice high contrast shots of some of the birds that frequent our feeders.

Pine Siskin at sunrise

Next winter I am going to try heading up into the mountains with my camera looking for some different species to shoot.

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