Once again this year I participated in a portfolio group with the Enchanted Lens Camera Club. The portfolio groups meet from the fall until the following spring. Members work on their individual portfolios with input and suggestions from the rest of their group. Portfolios are twelve or fewer images with an accompanying artist statement. At the end of the club year (usually in June) all of the individual groups get together and each participating photographer shows their portfolio to the entire club membership.
This was my second year in a portfolio group. This time I chose Bending Light as my theme. I love images with full dynamic range and rich, saturated colors. I also like subjects that have a little bit of unpredictability in the results. So, this year I explored the reflection of light from waves, the refraction of light through glass and the interference of light from bubbles.
The images in the final portfolio are shown below. I hope you enjoy them. I am already thinking about possible subjects for next year’s portfolio.